
Katie Boulter v Tatjana Maria

Tue, Jul 02, 24, 8:00 AM
Match Odds
Katie BoulterTatjana Maria
Set 1 Winner
  • Katie Boulter
  • Tatjana Maria
Set 2 Winner
  • Katie Boulter
  • Tatjana Maria
Odds Boost
  • Katie Boulter to be Leading 3-1 after the 1st 4 Games of the Match2.63
  • Katie Boulter to win the 1st set 6-25.00
  • Katie Boulter to Win the Match & Both Players to Win a Set Each3.50
Total Sets 2.5
Over 2.5Under 2.5
Over 20.5Under 20.5
  • Katie Boulter 2-0
  • Katie Boulter 2-1
  • Tatjana Maria 2-0
  • Tatjana Maria 2-1
Katie Boulter YesKatie Boulter No
Tatjana Maria YesTatjana Maria No

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